In its beginnings, the store of Windows 8 is still beyond the stores for Android or iOS, what means that this is a good moment to create an app of the most successful so you can assure you the success in this platform. If you want to create programs for all Windows platforms, you should use Visual Studio Professional. This program is specifically to create apps for the Windows 8 and 8.1 stores. Visual Studio 2008 Free Download 32-bit and 64-bit full trial version for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. You can also choose technologies clients as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms and Win32. The 2013 version of Visual Studio Express also includes the simulator of devices to try the working of the apps in different devices with operative system Windows 8.1.
We can have the apps written in HTML5 and Javascript, C++, C# or Visual Basic. With this program, we will be able to create attractive apps for the store of Windows 8.1 thanks to the tools that this program includes, we will be able to create all the apps we want in a simple and fast way the tools that are included in this program are a complete editor for code, an efficient scrubber, a profile generator specialized and a huge compatibility with different programming languages. Visual Studio Express is the set of tools provided by Microsoft to have developers with the programming of the apps for Windows.